
Early Spring Garden Prep

Laurin Pause of the Arizona Master Gardener’s Speakers’ Group gave the  club with a very informative presentation on preparing the garden for success in spring.  Major topics included: Pruning takeaways:  See also: Pruning Trees Soil prep takeaways:  Spring veggie takeaways: Yavapai Master Gardeners. Start of May 9 plants You Should Never Prune in Spring

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Make Your Own Ollas

Olla means pot in Spanish. Irrigation using unglazed clay pots started thousands of years ago perhaps in China. The Spanish brought the idea to the Southwest. Today gardeners in Pakistan, Iran, India and South America also use pots for irrigation. In all these areas, consistent access to water  improves plant growth and increases yield from

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Hummingbird Moth

The Hummingbird Moth ~ Mary Ann Mira You might have heard the saying, “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it must BE a duck!”  Recently, I applied that expression to what I thought was a hummingbird in my backyard.  I saw a creature that looked like

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Start of May

It’s already the second day of May and the iris are beginning to show up as if they mean it. Fading daffodils grow obscured by surging daylilies or, to a lesser degree, iris. Each day a new iris or two blossoms for the first time of the season, and it’s impossible to stay out of

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Alta Vista Garden Club