AVGC Mission & Goals

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Our Mission

  • Promote the love of gardening and floral design and to cultivate their best practices through regular meetings, special programs, and scholarships – working alone and in tandem with local, state and national organizations
  • Learn about, practice, and teach gardening methods and plant selections that emphasize low water use and low environmental impact
  • Build friendships and alliances through shared interests and experiences in gardening, civic beautification, and conservation

Our Goals

  • Enrich our community with trees, shrubs, and flowering plants
  • Share our gardens and their surpluses: seeds, plants, fruits and flowers
  • More effectively cultivate and use decorative plants in house and garden
  • Learn about and support the roles that birds, pollinators and other beneficials play in our gardens
  • Promote the benefits of preserving and propagating wildflowers and native plants
  • Preserve and augment the natural beauty of our civic environment and that of our planet
  • Make lasting friendships as we pursue common goals
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Alta Vista Garden Club